For candidates and freelancers

We will find you great employer or a project. We care. We ask questions. We dig deep. That all enables us to accurately determine which company is the best choice for you. Sometimes we oppose, we share our know-how from the labour market with you. Together we will go through vacancies / projects that are most suitable for you. But still, in the final stage, it is you who choose...

For candidates and freelancers
We care deeply about your needs.
We give you information, that you will not find in the advertisement.
No more unnecessary interviews.
We will negotiate the best conditions for you.
We stay in contact with you and keep you informed as we promised. All the time.

Vacancies and contracts

All vacancies and contracts44

No vacancy for you?

Make an appointment with us. Together we will discuss your needs and help you to move forward. Level up!

For companies

Our goal is to connect your company with the best IT experts. Let's talk about what you need and who you are looking for. Many of us came from the IT industry, so we understand what you're saying. We have been operating on the labour market since 2010 and we will translate acquired experience into our mutual cooperation...

Pro firmy
/01 You are not just another company for us. We want to get to know you in detail.
We have a common goal.
We have a common goal.

Available IT experts

All available IT experts

IT Recruitment / IT Outsourcing

Potřebujete zaměstnance do svých týmů nebo IT experty pro své projekty? Obě varianty umíme. Oslovíme ty nejlepší kapacity, nadchneme je a získáme pro Vás. Sami jsme se řadu let IT zabývali, proto víme, jak na to.

IT Agent

Athletes, musicians or movie stars know why they have an agent. He solves contracts for them, negotiates royalties and ensures that they have a good work flow. We realized that this is something we want to bring into the IT world. You are also busy with your work, so why will not you have your own agent?

IT Outsourcing & Contracting

Either you may have your own IT Agent

Together we will discuss your positioning on the market and ensure you an exclusive contracts as well as the best conditions possible!